How is User-Generated Content Leveraged in Digital Marketing Strategies?


    How is User-Generated Content Leveraged in Digital Marketing Strategies?

    Diving into the creative world of user-generated content, we've gathered insights from Chief Marketing Officers to CEOs on how to harness this powerful marketing tool. From hosting engaging social media contests to incentivizing visual customer reviews, explore the dynamic thirteen examples these marketing professionals have successfully implemented in their strategies.

    • Host a Social Media Contest
    • Gather Video Testimonials
    • Create a Community Challenge
    • Feature Customer Reviews
    • Showcase Video Testimonials
    • Engage Digital Opinion Leaders
    • Share Customer Success Stories
    • Interview Niche Experts
    • Launch a Client Spotlight Campaign
    • Organize a Creative Product Contest
    • Run a Social Media Contest
    • Boost SEO with Customer Reviews
    • Incentivize Visual Customer Reviews

    Host a Social Media Contest

    One successful campaign we ran involved leveraging user-generated content through a social media contest. We encouraged our audience to share their experiences and success stories using our services, tagging us and using a specific hashtag.

    One standout example was when a student shared a heartfelt post about how our services helped them ace their thesis. We reposted their story across our channels, adding a personal touch and showcasing real results. This not only built trust and authenticity but also significantly boosted engagement and attracted new clients, proving the power of genuine user experiences.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Gather Video Testimonials

    I worked with a client to gather video testimonials from satisfied customers. We reached out to our most loyal clients and asked them to share their experiences on camera. These videos were then edited and shared on our website, YouTube channel, and social media. The genuine enthusiasm and stories from real users added a powerful layer of credibility and resulted in a noticeable increase in both traffic and conversions. It was like having a group of brand ambassadors who truly believed in what we were doing.

    Marco Genaro Palma
    Marco Genaro PalmaFreelance CMO and SEO Consultant,

    Create a Community Challenge

    For a fitness apparel brand, we leveraged UGC by creating a community challenge called “FitStreaks,” where users posted daily workout photos or videos wearing the brand’s apparel. Participants used branded hashtags, and each week, we highlighted top contributors and their stories. This strategy didn't just create a sense of community; it also consistently showcased real people achieving real results, enhancing the brand's credibility and relatability. The campaign generated a steady stream of content, reducing our content production costs while increasing user engagement and loyalty.

    Jason Hennessey
    Jason HennesseyCEO, Hennessey Digital

    Feature Customer Reviews

    User-generated content has been extremely valuable for my local content marketing strategy. For example, I regularly use customer reviews and testimonials as case studies in my blog posts. These real-life stories make my writing more credible and personal. Featuring user-generated content on our social media channels has also been very beneficial. It creates a sense of community and encourages more customers to share their own experiences, resulting in a positive cycle.

    Additionally, I've repurposed user-generated content to create multi-channel campaigns across platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Using user-created videos, images, and stories helps develop highly engaging visual content that appeals to our target audiences. This approach has increased brand loyalty and directly impacted metrics like leads and sales conversions.

    Muskan SinghGrowth Strategist (Content)

    Showcase Video Testimonials

    Leveraging user-generated content (UGC) has been instrumental in enhancing our marketing strategy. For instance, we initiated a campaign where customers shared their success stories using our services through video testimonials. These authentic narratives were then featured across our social media channels and website. This approach not only provided social proof but also significantly boosted our engagement metrics, as potential clients could see real-life examples of how our services made a difference.

    Vaibhav Kakkar
    Vaibhav KakkarCEO, Digital Web Solutions

    Engage Digital Opinion Leaders

    Within the digital healthcare communication space, leveraging user-generated content (UGC) effectively involves engaging digital opinion leaders (DOLs) or 'influencers' who have a strong online presence and are trusted voices in the healthcare community.

    As the industry must adhere to strict rules around not promoting prescription-only medicines, a lot of work with DOLs can be around disease awareness.

    DOLs can create UGC which educates and informs social media users on a disease area, either through first-hand experience as a patient or through their professional knowledge as an HCP. The DOL already has a following in place to engage with that UGC.

    If the DOL is working in partnership with a pharmaceutical company, this needs to be transparent from the outset, but it can be a good way for pharma companies to raise awareness of a therapy area they're working in.

    Nicola Roberts
    Nicola RobertsSenior Editor, AMP27

    Share Customer Success Stories

    We’ve leveraged user-generated content by encouraging our customers to share success stories about using our software. We invite them for a brief interview to share their stories, detailing how our solution helps them improve their operations and solve business challenges. In return, we feature these stories on a dedicated page on our website as well as on our social media.

    This strategy not only resulted in increased engagement on our social channels and website, but most importantly, led to a boost in leads and conversions due to the powerful customer testimonials and endorsements.

    Kinga Fodor
    Kinga FodorHead of Marketing,

    Interview Niche Experts

    One strategy I leverage is incorporating UGC by interviewing niche experts. Their insights enrich my articles, contributing to trustworthiness.

    Incorporating expert quotes is also a good tactic to stand out from competitors churning out generic, optimized articles.

    For successful collaboration, providing clear guidelines to the experts is crucial. This includes outlining the desired word count, format, and key areas you want them to focus on within their contributions.

    Sonja Marinkovic
    Sonja MarinkovicSEO Consultant, Digital Search Hero

    Launch a Client Spotlight Campaign

    We successfully leveraged user-generated content by launching a 'Client Spotlight' campaign. We encouraged our clients to share their success stories using our services, showcasing their transformed websites, new logos, or improved SEO rankings on social media with a dedicated hashtag.

    This campaign made a big difference. Clients were eager to share their stories, and we featured the best ones on our website and social media channels, giving them additional exposure. This not only built a sense of community but also provided authentic testimonials for our services. As a result, we saw a 27% increase in social media engagement and attracted new clients who were inspired by the real-life success stories, significantly boosting our brand's credibility and reach.

    Daniel Bunn
    Daniel BunnManaging Director, Innovate

    Organize a Creative Product Contest

    We were hosting a contest encouraging users to share their creative uses of our products on Instagram with a branded hashtag. The best entries were showcased on our official account, creating a sense of community and excitement around our brand. This UGC strategy not only generated a wealth of high-quality content but also increased our brand visibility and follower count, as participants and their networks engaged with our posts. The result was a notable uptick in brand loyalty and customer acquisition.

    Sahil Kakkar
    Sahil KakkarCEO & Founder, RankWatch

    Run a Social Media Contest

    At our digital marketing agency, we've found great success incorporating user-generated content into social media campaigns for our clients. One effective approach is running contests that encourage customers to share photos or videos of themselves using the brand's products. We then feature the best submissions across the company's social channels.

    For a recent campaign with a food and beverage client, we ran an Instagram contest asking fans to post creative recipes using the brand's signature sauces. The response was incredible—over 500 entries in just two weeks. We compiled the top recipes into fun, shareable videos that the brand posted on Instagram and Facebook.

    Not only did this boost engagement, it provided a wealth of authentic content showcasing real customers enjoying the products in their own kitchens. The campaign also uncovered some talented amateur chefs who went on to become ongoing brand ambassadors. User-generated content helps forge genuine connections between brands and their biggest fans.

    Gustav Nicholson
    Gustav NicholsonEditor, Business Rocket

    Boost SEO with Customer Reviews

    We leverage user-generated content by encouraging customers to leave reviews and share photos of their purchases on social media. This significantly boosted our e-commerce SEO. User-generated content provided fresh, relevant keywords and product-specific content, which increased our online visibility and drove more organic traffic to our product pages. This strategy helped improve our search engine rankings and ultimately led to higher sales.

    Munir Alsafi
    Munir AlsafiCo-Founder, VixelStudio

    Incentivize Visual Customer Reviews

    In my most recent e-commerce brand (which I went on to sell), I implemented a 1-2 email series follow-up after purchase for the customer to submit pictures of the products they ordered, along with their (hopefully positive) comments in exchange for a discount off their next order. It created a great amount of visual reviews of the customer with the products they ordered. These reviews then populated the respective product pages, which made those pages perform even better organically, thus pulling in even more traffic and sales. It was a nice 'flywheel' effect that circulated back into itself. I definitely recommend having this setup for any e-commerce brand.

    Mike Bonadio
    Mike BonadioOwner, Mike Bonadio Consulting